1st International FIRE Conference

Plats: Örebro University Lecture Hall M
Från: 2022-11-10 kl. 09:00
Till: 2022-11-11 kl. 16:30

the 10th and the 11th of November 2022

Down below you find Call For Papers, Program and Guidelines for Abstracts and Papers.
Location: Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden.

On 10th and 11th November 2022, the first cross-disciplinary international research conference of the FIRE-project will be held in Örebro in Sweden.

The flow, use and transparacy of digitized financial information
FIRE – Financial Information Retrieval Ecosystem – is a research project focusing on the challenges of today and tomorrow that society faces with regard to the preparation, collection, storing, processing and spreading of financial information in a digitized world. Financial information that might cover a very broad spectrum of information, including the personal data of individuals, is important for numerous applications and users, for example, for investment & finance, tax purposes, statistics, company law etc. The creation, collection, storing, processing and spreading of financial information is still to a large extent handled by the business operators (e.g. corporations) by preparing and filing annual reports and other external financial reports. It can be argued that this system is old fashioned, and that financial information could be handled much more efficiently, both in terms of workload and usefulness through modern technology (automation, artificial intelligence etc.) and new ways of handling and thinking regarding financial information.

Digitized financial information that is provided online and in real time could be very beneficial to the stakeholders. In order to utilize the real power in this, it is essential that new methods and new tools are developed. The use of big data sets is a driver towards the use of technical solutions based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Business administration tools are to a larger extent becoming cloud-based online. Authorities are looking at different blockchain solutions to provide information and to communicate with users.

This shift in technology is promising in many ways. Models and methods could be developed to reduce the administrative burden of individuals and corporations while at the same time, stakeholders could gain access to improved and more precise information for their decision-making. However, this is only possible if the system is constructed in the right way – and if the laws make it possible. Done in the wrong way it could also be the other way around when it comes to the administrative burden of individuals and corporations – it could increase.

Digitized information stored in cloud-based solutions, concentrated to one or a few access points, also brings to the fore problems regarding personal integrity (human rights), corporate secrets and cyber security. In addition, the perspective of sustainable development is an important aspect of the ongoing development.

The FIRE project aims to be at the forefront in investigating of the possibilities, risks and effects of using new technology in connection with the use of financial information. One main objective is to provide knowledge for policymakers and politicians to constitute a solid basis for changes to the legislation so that it best meets future demands for more efficient business models, more accurate public services, more effective and fair taxation, and at the same time protects integrity.

With the aim of including more researchers in the FIRE-project, we are now issuing a call for papers for the autumn 2022 FIRE conference. As a first step, we kindly ask you to send us an abstract of not more than 500 words describing the subject you would like to write your paper on. Abstracts should be submitted by 31st of August 2022 at the latest. A review committee will after that decide which papers that will be accepted, and contributors will be noticed not later than 15th of September 2022. Accepted papers are to be finally submitted not later than 30th of November 2022 for a peer-review process. All papers that are accepted will be published in the first annual FIRE Anthology.

We welcome contributions from different scientific fields including but not limited to law, business science, informatics, psychology, social science, and computer science.

For further information please contact Magnus Kristoffersson (e-mail magnus.kristoffersson@oru.se, or mobile +46769415796). Abstracts should be sent to magnus.kristoffersson@oru.se at the latest of 31st of August 2022. If the paper will be accepted or rejected will be notified latest 15th of September 2022.

Flow, Use and Transparency of Digitized Financial Information
Location: Örebro University, Campus Örebro, Sweden, Lecture Hall M at School of Music, Theatre and Arts.
Dates: 10th – 11th of November 2022
Latest date for sign up: 1st of September 2022
Sign up: https://bit.ly/38pffzL

Day 1: 10th of November 2022
9.00-9.30 Welcome address by Dr Magnus Kristoffersson, project leader, Örebro University and Professor Jan Kellgren, Linköpings University.

This session will cover subjects as information security, data protection, privacy (GDPR) related to the use of financial information from different perspectives. Around 11 coffee break.

9.30-12.00 Session 1: Cyber Security (chairs Associate Professor Shang Goa and Associate Professor Cristina Trenta, Örebro University)

12.00-13.00 Lunch break

Under this session students from the Legal Science Program within the field of law and digitization in Örebro will present papers written as a part of the course Legal Tech, AI and Automation. During the session the best paper will also be awarded.

13.00-14.00 Student Session (chair Dr Magnus Kristoffersson, Örebro University)

14.00-17.00 Session 2: Good Governance (chairs Professor Anne Van De Vijver, Antwerp University and Professor Ileana Steccolini, Essex Business School)

The session covers subjects as taxation, insolvency, use of big data within in public administration and accountability and accounting. Around 15.15 coffee break.
19.00 Conference dinner

Day 2: 11th of November 2022
Session 3 is covering subjects as accounting, book-keeping, efficient business models and financial intelligence. Around 10.30 coffee break
9.00-12.00 Session 3: Business Intelligence (chairs Associate Professor Daniella Fjellström, University of Gävle, and Associate Professor Jean-Claude Mutiganda, Åbo Acadamy)

12.00-13.00 Lunch break

This session will cover fields as blockchain, distributed ledger technology, cloud storage, trustworthiness of digital information. Around 14.30 coffee break.

13.00-16.00 Session 4: Storage of financial information (chairs Phd Alberto Giaretta, Örebro University and Phd Anouk Decuypere, Antwerp University)

16.00-16.15 Closing remarks, Professor Eleonor Kristoffersson, Örebro University

During the conference it will also be a poster program.

Travel expenses and accommodations are to be paid by the participants.

Arrangör: Örebro University
Telefon: 0769415796
E-post: magnus.kristoffersson@oru.se
Plats: Örebro University Lecture Hall M
In English